Top 10 Discoveries of the decade

  1. Higgs boson – all particles in universe has mass
  2. CRISPR - genome editing
  3. Gravitational waves - ripples from two black holes colliding
  4. AlphaGo - AI beats human supremacy in a game, GO
  5. Layla’s gene therapy - saved life of a 1year old by gene editing
  6. Denisovans - Fossilised finger bone of the Denisovans species discovered 
  7. Quantum supremacy - Google’s Quantum Computer does calculations like none other
  8. Proxima Centauri b - Planet like Earth at a distance of 4.2 light years from Earth.
  9. Face transplants - except eyeballs and tongue, a man got a whole new face
  10. Richard III - remains of Richard III found from a car park in UK


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